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The internet has revolutionised our lives, it is the foundation on which almost-all modern-day technology and innovation is built, and it is promising to reach further than ever before. The ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT), is the concept of connecting any device to the internet, supporting a huge network of connected things and people (think self-driving cars, wearables, smart TV, smart homes, smart cities etc.) The IoT has huge potential to unlock a new era of economic growth and innovation.
Much focus has been given to the US tech companies known as the ‘FANGs’. But there are many other internet giants worldwide at the forefront of this new era of internet technology.
In China the ‘BATs’ (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) have a vast global presence. Baidu boasts the world’s largest internet user population, Alibaba’s digital economy accounted for 18% of China’s retail sales last year.
Tencent, the largest communication and social platform in China, is combining organic growth with strategic global investments putting it on the cusp of a trillion-dollar valuation. And these are just three examples of companies that are challenging the FANGs for global reach and impact. As more and more industries begin to unlock the transformative power of the internet potential future growth and innovation could be unlimited.
Broad exposure
Investing in the internet as a theme provides exposure to the growth of both the internet giants (the famous BAT trio) and the huge potential of future global players.
Multiple industries
The internet is the driving force of change across virtually all industries, providing a rich array of innovative companies across equity markets.
Massive potential
The internet captures the impressive growth in its everyday personal and business use across multiple avenues, including media, ecommerce, infrastructure and communications.
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