Thematic ETF Fund Range

Discover the thematic opportunities we have created to make the most of future trends.

Fund range

Our fund range represents what we believe are the best thematic investment opportunities in the most prominent disruptors of today. We use our rigorous research and evaluation methods to successfully identify key future trends ahead of time and turn that into a positive investment opportunity that can provide long-term growth and development for our clients.

First Trust Index Innovative Transaction & Process UCITS ETF ("BLOK")

Owing to its distributive nature, blockchain is neigh-on impossible to hack thus offering the potential to revolutionise a diverse range of industries much the same as the internet has. The First Trust Index Innovative Transaction & Process UCITS ETF (“BLOK”), represents an opportunity to capture this innovative technology revolution.

The First Trust Nasdaq Cybersecurity ETF ("CIBR")

Driven by the exponential growth of cloud computing and digitization, Cybersecurity has become an essential service, helping to secure our digital future. The First Trust Nasdaq Cybersecurity ETF (“CIBR”) is designed to capture the performance of companies engaged in cybersecurity across all equity sectors.

First Trust Dow Jones Internet UCITS ETF ("FDN")

The internet is perhaps the most powerful innovation in human history, yet its impact on the world has only just begun. Nearly every new innovation, product or service is facilitated by internet technology. The First Trust Dow Jones Internet UCITS ETF (“FDN”) offers investors access to this infrastructure for innovation.

First Trust Dow Jones International Internet UCITS ETF (“FDNI”)

The internet is the foundation on which almost all modern-day technology and innovation are built, the internet has been a catalyst for all major change in the 21st century. The First Trust Dow Jones International Internet Internet UCITS ETF ("FDNI") provides access to those stocks listed outside the U.S. and directly exposed to the application of internet technology; including social media, audio and video streaming, apps and e-commerce providing a compelling, long-term opportunity in this theme.

The First Trust Cloud Computing UCITS ETF ("FSKY")

The Cloud Computing phenomenon has revolutionized our world, enabling utility-like access to the computer distributed its power worldwide via the internet. The First Trust Cloud Computing UCITS ETF (“FSKY”) has been designed to take advantage of the wide range of services being developed as it fundamentally alters how we consume, process, and share our data.

First Trust US Equity Opportunities UCITS ETF ("FPX")

Investing in the innovation of the US economy. The First Trust US Equity Opportunities UCITS ETF (“FPX”) gives investors cost-effective exposure to this potential, in a single portfolio. FPX offers systematic exposure across many high-profile companies backed by fresh equity capital.

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First Trust European Equity Opportunities UCITS ETF (“FPXE”)

Investing in the innovation of the European economy. The First Trust European Equity Opportunities UCITS ETF (“FPXE”) gives investors cost-effective exposure to this potential, in a single portfolio. FPXE offers systematic exposure across many high-profile companies backed by fresh equity capital.

First Trust NASDAQ® Clean Edge® Green Energy UCITS ETF (“QCLN”)

The transition to clean energy is gaining widespread traction. Technological innovation and improved economics, together with government directives aimed to reduce energy consumption from traditional sources is increasing the attraction to invest in renewable energies. The First Trust Nasdaq Clean Edge Green Energy UCITS ETF ("QCLN") offers investors access to the pivot to clean energy.


The next generation of wireless connectivity has arrived: 5G has the capacity to support and disrupt a vast array of connections simultaneously. 5G can take the IoT to the next level, where superior connectivity will enable the next wave of innovative companies to emerge. The First Trust Indxx NextG UCITS ETF ("NXTG") provides pure play access to a catalyst which has the potential to thrust mobile technology from a disruptive technology to an infrastructure for change.

First Trust Alerian Disruptive Technology Real Estate UCITS ETF ("DTRE")

Bringing investors cost-effective exposure to the intersection between thematic investing and real estate, in a single portfolio. DTRE offers pure play exposure to the five segments helping to underpin our future economy; Data Centres, Cell Towers, Satellites, Cables and Warehouse & Fulfilment Centres.

Introducing First Trust Nasdaq® Clean Edge® Smart Grid Infrastructure UCITS ETF (“GRID”)

The First Trust Nasdaq® Clean Edge® Smart Grid Infrastructure UCITS ETF (“GRID”) gives investors cost-effective exposure to this potential, in a single portfolio. Tracking global pure-play and diversified companies active in grid infrastructure, smart meters, energy management, connected mobility, and related activities. 

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